"Something Went Wrong" Error Message When Logging In

If you are an iOS user receiving an error message that says, "Something Went Wrong" when you attempt to log in to Strava, this may be related to your specific Apple device and email token.

Unfortunately, we cannot fix this directly from our end. As a workaround, you should be able to access your account on the mobile app via Google Authentication instead of the traditional email and password. Please follow these steps:

  • Open Strava on your PC, ensure you are logged in, and open this page: https://www.strava.com/settings/profile
  • Scroll until you see "Social Connections" on the right side of the screen.
  • Select the option to Connect with Google. Follow the prompts to get that authorization set up. You will need to create a Gmail account if you do not already have one ready to use.​
  • Once successfully connecting Strava to your Google account, open the mobile app and use the Continue with Google button from the login screen. Enter the Gmail address that is now associated with your Strava account.
    Mobile login screen - Google highlight.jpeg
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