Using the Potential Segment Match Analysis Tool

How to find and analyze missing segments: 

To learn about why a certain segment didn't match, visit the activity on the Strava website and scroll down to the bottom of the list of segments. Click the link 'Don't see the segment you're looking for?' to open the Potential Segment Match Analysis tool.

Looking at this tool, you'll see a map of your activity, as well as a list of segments that have a partial or potential match to your activity. You can also search this list by segment name.  


What causes a missing segment?

Use the Potential Segment Match Analysis Tool to gain insight into what prevented the segment match and where: GPS errors, missing data, or GPS drifting during recording are the most common reasons a segment doesn’t match an activity. For example, poor or missing GPS data around the segment start or end may mean that there is no accurate activity data to create the segment match.

In the Potential Segment Match Analysis tool, compare the grey line which represents the path of your activity to the red line which represents the path of the segment. The portion of your activity that 'matches' the segment will be highlighted in green - and you'll be given some brief information about what might have prevented the full match.  


How to request a manual match for a missing segment:

If a segment should have matched your activity but didn’t, send us the link to the Potential Segment Match Analysis tool for that segment. From your activity page on the website, scroll down and select the option 'Don't see the segment you're looking for?' below the list of existing segments.

In the analysis tool, select the segment that's missing and copy the link in the address bar of the webpage. This link contains information about your activity and the missing segment. Paste the link into a support ticket and repeat this process if there are multiple missing segments. 
Sometimes we can manually create the match but in some cases, we can’t.



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