Profile Page Privacy Controls

What is your profile?

Your profile page displays information about you and your active life such as your recent activities and photos, cumulative statistics, club memberships, achievements, and follow relationships. Learn more about your profile page here.

Managing Your Profile Page Privacy Controls 

    • On the web, hover over your profile picture in the upper right and select Settings.
      • Click on the Privacy Controls tab on the left.
      • Select “Everyone” or “Followers” under “Profile Page.”
    • On the mobile app, open your settings from the gear icon in the upper right corner of the You tab. Tap Privacy Controls.
      • Select Profile Page to choose between “Everyone” or “Followers.”

How It Works

Set your profile privacy controls to 'Everyone' in order for the entire Strava community to see your full profile details. When you select Everyone:

    • All Strava athletes: 
      • Unless blocked, will see your complete profile details. This includes your profile photo, location, bio, this week's activity stats (time, distance, and elevation), recent photos, last 4 weeks' calendar widget, clubs, recent achievements, trophy case, following/followers, KOMs/QOMs/CRs/Top 10s, Best Efforts posts, activity bar chart, activity summaries, side-by-side comparison, and shoes.
      • Can follow you without your approval.
      • Can view your activity summaries in club feeds.
      • Can view your training log if you make it public and provide a link to view it.
      • Can view the shoes used on your activity details page.
    • Anyone on the web:
      • Will see a logged-out version of your Strava profile. This includes your full name, recent activities, trophy case, total stats for the month (distance and time), and number of following/followers.

Set your profile privacy control to "Followers" in order to hide certain profile details from non-followers. When you select Followers:

    • Followers:
      • Will see your complete profile details. This includes your profile photo, location, bio, recent photos, last 4 weeks' calendar widget, clubs, recent achievements, trophy case, following/followers, KOMs/QOMs/CRs/Top 10s, Best Efforts posts, activity bar chart, activity summaries, side-by-side comparison, shoes and/or bikes.
    • Non-Followers:
      • Will see limited profile details. This includes your profile photo, bio, and number of following/followers and mutual follows. Additionally, some elements of your profile will no longer be clickable, such as your followers' count.
      • Will see limited aggregate data on your profile that includes distance/time/etc from activities.
      • Must request your approval before they can follow you.
      • Cannot see your activity summaries on your profile page or club feeds.
      • Cannot see the start time or bike on your activity details page.
      • Might see your activities in public locations like Flyby, group activities, segments, public clubs, and challenge leaderboards. Adjust your Flyby, group activities, and activity controls if you want to prevent this.
      • Will not see photos on your activity pages.
      • Can search for your profile using the athlete search tool, but will see limited information on your profile page as explained above.
    • No one on the web:
      • Will see a logged-out version of your profile or activity details pages.


How your profile will appear to followers vs. non-followers when it's set to "Followers"

Strava_Cyclist_Profile___Rod_Rodri_guez.png Rod_Rodríguez___Strava_Cyclist_Profile.png

English3_2.jpg English4.2.PNG


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