COROS and Strava

Automatically Sync With COROS

If you record activities using the COROS app on iOS or Android, you can automatically upload your activities to Strava by connecting your accounts.

  • From the COROS app, access Settings found under the Profile icon.
  • On the Settings page, select 3rd Party Apps. You'll be brought to an authorization page that will detail what information is sent to Strava.
  • Select Strava and the blue 'Connect Now' button at the bottom of the screen and enter your Strava account information on the next page to authorize.


Manually Upload an Activity File to Strava

  • Access your COROS account on the mobile application.
  • Locate the activity from the Activities page (on COROS) and tap to view the activity details page.
  • Tap on the top right corner to open the settings below and select "Export Data".
  • Select the file format .FIT or .TCX.  > Choose how to send the file from your phone to your computer.
  • Access the sent file on your computer and visit and click Choose file to find and upload the original file downloaded from COROS. 
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