Emails from Strava Regarding your Account Security

I received a notification saying that my Strava password or email address has been updated, but I didn’t make any changes.

  • See whether you can log in with your email address and password.
  • In order to access your account via the Strava mobile app after resetting your password, you must log out and back into the mobile app.
  • If you used this email and password combination on other sites, we recommend that you change those passwords as well. It's a good idea to use a password manager and create unique, strong passwords.

I received an email from Strava titled “Important - Unauthorized Strava Account Activity”

  • This means there has been unauthorized access to your Strava account related to a third party gaining access to your login credentials outside of Strava. In order to safeguard your account security, please reset your Strava password and review and update your settings and preferences.
    • If your email address has been changed, you will not be able to reset your password. In this case, please email the Strava Support team at and include a link to your Strava account.
  • In order to access your mobile account after resetting your password, you must log out and back into the mobile app.

If you used this email and password combination on other sites, we recommend that you change those passwords as well. It's a good idea to use a password manager and create unique, strong passwords.

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