Strava Metro and the Global Heatmap

Strava Metro

By contributing your activities to Strava Metro you will be helping to improve bike- and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure in your area. Strava Metro’s mission is to make cycling, running, and walking in cities better. Strava Metro partners with departments of transportation and city planning groups to plan, measure, and improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians.

The Strava Metro data set, which is only available to urban planners and active transportation advocates, includes activity data processed to remove identifiers linked to users and aggregates it as counts to a base map. For example, Strava Metro provides data about how many cyclists rode in which direction on a given street hour-by-hour, but no information about which cyclists rode on the street. Visit to learn more.

The Global Heatmap

The Global Heatmap shows 'heat' made by activities with visibility set to "Everyone" over the last year. Visit to see the heatmap for your area. Logged-in Strava users can also view the Personal Heatmap alongside the Global Heatmap at To learn more about the Personal Heatmap, click here.

  • The heatmap is a snapshot of historical data and is not updated in real time. The heatmap is updated monthly.
  • Activities with the privacy setting "Only You" or “Followers” are excluded from Strava Metro and the Heatmap automatically.

  • We also exclude all portions of activities hidden using your map visibility settings (hide address, hide start/end, hide entire map).

  • Athletes may opt out of aggregate data usage by updating their privacy controls. After opting out, an athlete’s contributions to the heatmap will be removed at the next monthly update.
  • Roads and trails with very little activity will not show “heat” until several different athletes upload activities in that area.
  • The heatmap is available to the public but only registered Strava athletes may zoom in to street-level details of activity on the heatmap.
  • Strava does not track athletes without their knowledge.
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