Map Types

You can opt to use enhanced map styles on a per-activity basis. Free athletes will have access to seasonal maps, while subscribers can choose from additional maps to highlight a particular activity attribute. The activity’s polyline will be displayed as a gradient of color based on the chosen data. To choose additional map styles, tap the ellipsis icon in the upper right-hand corner of the activity and select Edit Activity > Change Map Type.

New sport types on Strava, which include Soccer, Skateboarding, Sailing, and Golf, will automatically default to the heatmap polyline. This heatmap will highlight which area of the map or route you've spent the most time on instead of showing GPS points all over the map. 

Subscribers Only

Subscribers can select personalized stat maps to highlight a particular activity attribute.

    • 3D and Winter 3D: The polyline will be displayed on the 3D satellite visualization of your activity map. 3D is the default map type for trail sports, including hikes, trail runs, gravel bikes, and mountain bikes, but it can be applied to any activity type. Winter 3D is the default map type for alpine ski, backcountry ski, snowboard, and snowshoe sport types.
    • Pace or Speed: Higher speed/lower pace will be a darker blue.
    • Heart rate: Higher heart rate will be a darker red.
    • Elevation: Lower absolute elevation will be yellow and higher elevation will be black.
    • Gradient: GPS data of the route gets cross-referenced to our elevation database to determine the gradient of the route. Descents will be yellow, and inclines will be red.
    • Surface Type: Crowdsourced data from OpenStreetMap determine surface types. Dashed lines indicate the section is unpaved, solid orange indicates the section is paved, and white is unspecified.
    • Power: Higher power will be darker purple. Please be aware this map treatment is not available for activities with estimated power.
    • Time: Longer elapsed time will be a darker red.
    • Temperature: Higher temperatures will be a darker red.

Free Athletes

You may see different featured map types depending on the time of year, but some examples of seasonal maps include:

    • Strava Metro
    • Black Lives Matter
    • Pride
    • Turkey Trot


Are these activity lines available to all athletes?

All athletes will be able to see these in their feeds and will have access to seasonal maps for their own activities. Strava subscribers will have additional map options available.

Is there a legend or key that indicates what each color means?

There’s no legend available on the activity page at this time. You can reference the section above to learn more about how the data is illustrated by the different color gradients.

Can I disable the default 3D map?

Yes, you can find the toggle to disable using 3D maps for trail and winter sports by following the paths below. Please be aware that changing this setting will only impact future uploads. Previous activity uploads will not be changed.

    • From the mobile app, navigate to Settings by tapping the gear icon on the You tab and then select Default Maps.
    • From the website, hover over your profile picture in the upper right corner and select Settings from the drop-down menu. Select Display Preferences from the menu on the left-hand side.
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