My Activities Are Set to “Everyone”, Where Does That Data Go on Strava?

One of Strava’s goals is to help athletes feel a virtual sense of camaraderie, motivation, and healthy competition. By sharing your active life on Strava, you are able to get the most out of Strava’s various social features. Whether you are new to Strava or know your way around, you may wonder, “Where does my information appear, and who can see it?”

When you upload an activity set to “everyone” from the Strava app, a third party, or manually by file, your activity will populate into various spaces visible to the Strava Community of Athletes.

You can control how you show up on each of the features below. If you’d like to limit who sees your information, please adjust your privacy controls to match your intended experience. For more information on all of our privacy controls, please visit our privacy center.


Segment leaderboards: Segments are defined as portions of road or trail created by members where athletes can compare times. If your activities have GPS data, you may get automatically matched to segments along the path you took. If you are matched to a segment, your name, time, activity date, and activity link may appear on those leaderboards. You can read more about segments here and see an example of a segment leaderboard here.

Challenge leaderboards: Strava offers several types of challenges as a way to motivate people to accomplish a specific goal. Challenges can last a day, several days, or even an entire month. They can have individual or group goals, and you may see challenges that ask you to meet a certain distance, elevation, time goal, match a segment, or be active for a certain number of days. Like segments, challenges can also have leaderboards where your name, activity link, and progress will appear. You can read more about challenges here and see an example of a challenge leaderboard here.   

Local Legend: The Local Legend achievement is awarded to the athlete who completes a given segment the most over a rolling 90-day period, regardless of pace or speed. If you earn this achievement, your name and number of efforts will be displayed. You can also opt out of this achievement completely using your privacy controls. You can read more about the Local Legend achievement here and see an example under “Most Efforts.


Feeds are areas where summaries of athlete activity appear. As activities are uploaded, posts are created, goals are completed, challenges are joined, etc., these are added to various feeds. 

There are 3 main feeds on Strava: 

Home feed: When you log into Strava on the app or web, you’ll be taken to the home feed. Activity from yourself, as well as athletes you’ve followed, will appear here. If other athletes follow you, then your activity may appear in their home feed as well. You can also filter this feed by your activities, followers, or clubs. 

Club feed: If you’ve joined a club, activities set to “Everyone” will appear in the feed to other athletes, and activities set to “followers” will appear in the feed to your followers. 

Profile feed: Your profile will house a list of your own personal activity on Strava. As the account owner, you will always be able to see all your activity. 


Flybys provide in-depth activity playbacks to anyone on Strava or the web. Flybys allow you to rewatch any activity minute by minute and see athletes who were nearby and where you crossed paths. If you’ve opted into Flyby, your activities will be visible here. You can read more about Flyby here and see an example here.

Group Activities

This feature detects if athletes recorded activities together. If they have, the activities are displayed as a grouping. You can read more about Group Activities here. 

Global Heatmap

The Global Heatmap is a visual representation of aggregated activities within a given timeframe. You can read more about the Global Heatmap here and see an example here.

Points of Interest and Start/End Points

Community-powered features that source the collective knowledge and real-life route usage of athletes to help the entire Strava community find places to run, ride, and walk. All data is aggregated and de-identified. You can read more about Points of Interest and Start/End Points here.


Strava includes recent public activities and photos on suggested routes of all sport types to help members of the Strava community gather more information about the route they plan on taking. You can read more about recent activities on routes here and photos on routes here.

What are the defaults when you create a Strava account?

Read here for more information.

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