Adding Gear to Your Activities on Strava

Strava can help you track how much you use your favorite gear. You can add your bikes and shoes to your profile from either the Strava website or the mobile app. Additional controls, including adding bike components, can be found on the website.

Adding New Gear

From the Strava website, hover over your profile picture in the upper right corner, select Settings from the drop-down menu, and select My Gear from the menu on the left side of the page. Click Add Bike or Add Shoes. Complete the required fields and any of the remaining optional fields (these can also be edited later.)

  • To create a bike, you'll have to enter a nickname, choose a type, and enter the weight. Strava uses the weight and type of your bike to calculate power.
  • To create a pair of shoes, you'll have to select the brand from the list, enter the model, and choose whether you'd like to receive notifications.

From the Strava mobile app, open the You tab and select Profile > Gear. Click on the plus sign icon in the upper right-hand corner. Choose whether to add a shoe or a bike by tapping on the first drop-down menu.

  • To create a bike, you'll have to enter a nickname, brand, and model and choose the bike type. Entering the bike's weight and assigning a sport is optional but Strava uses the weight and type of your bike to calculate power.
  • To create a shoe, you'll have to select the brand from the list, enter a name and the model, and choose whether you'd like to receive notifications.

Managing Existing Gear

From the Strava website, hover over your profile picture in the upper right corner, select Settings from the drop-down menu, and select My Gear from the menu on the left side of the page. From the Strava mobile app, open the You tab and select Profile > Gear.

  • Tap or click on the name of the shoe or bike you wish to edit. 
  • If you're editing a shoe from the Strava website, you'll be taken directly to the edit screen, otherwise, from the app select Edit Bike or Edit Shoes.

Default Gear

You can choose a default bike or shoe and set them to a specific sport type. Shoes can be assigned to Run, Trail Run, Walk, Virtual Runs, or Hike activities. Bikes can be assigned to Ride, Mountain Bike Ride, Gravel Ride, E-Bike Ride, E-Mountain Bike Ride, Handcycle, Virtual Rides, or Velomobile Rides.

  • From the Strava website, click on the gear name to select which sport type (s). you like it to default to. You can assign a bike or shoes to more than one sport type. 

From the Strava mobile app, tap on the name of the shoe or bike you wish to assign as your default. Select Edit Bike or Edit Shoes and select Default Sports. Check the box next to each sport type you want your gear to default to. This can also be done during gear creation.

Deleting and Retiring Gear

Gear can be deleted or retired from either the Strava website or the mobile app. Retiring will leave the bike or shoes on your list, but they will no longer show as an option for any activity. If your retired gear is still being assigned to new activities, you'll need to be sure you've chosen a new default gear.

  • From the Strava website, hover over the specific gear entry to see options to Retire or Delete.
  • From the Strava mobile app, tap on the name of the shoe or bike you wish to delete. Select Edit Bike or Edit Shoes and select the option to Delete on the next page.

Managing Bike Components

Once you've added a bike, you can add components to keep a detailed log of every part of your bike. ​​This feature is currently only available on the Strava website.

  • Click on the name of the bike you wish to add components to and click Add Component on the right.
  • Select the component type from the list.
  • Then enter the brand, model, and weight (you can estimate the weight if you don't know it.) Designate when the component was added, add any notes you wish for this component, and click Save.

Components can be retired or deleted, but there are a few things to consider when retiring a component:

  • Unlike retired bikes and shoes, retired components cannot be un-retired.
  • Bikes can only have a single component of any type associated with them. If a component has been retired and a new component of that same type is added to the bike, the retired component will disappear from the list of components.
  • Once you retire a frame, you won't be able to add a new frame to the existing bike. If you wish to add a new frame, you'll need to retire the entire bike and create a new bike with the new one.

Changing the Gear on your Activity

If you wish to change the gear attached to your activity, you can do so from the activity edit screen. The gear must have already been added to your Strava profile in order to assign it to an activity.

  • From the Strava website, navigate to the activity you wish to edit and select the pencil icon on the left-hand side of the screen. Select the gear you wish to assign to the activity from the drop-down menu under either "Shoes" or "Bike."
  • From the Strava mobile app, navigate to the activity you wish to edit and select the ellipsis icon in the upper right-hand corner > Edit Activity. Select the gear that's currently assigned to the activity and choose the gear you wish to assign instead from the drop-down menu.


Can people who aren't following me see my gear (e.g., which bike I used) and the time of my ride or run?

The start time of your activities and the bicycle used for a ride will only be displayed to people who are following you. However, shoes used on your running activities will be visible to non-followers.

The total distance on my gear looks incorrect.

There are a few things that may delay or prevent gear totals from updating. If your total distance still looks inaccurate a few hours after an upload, proceed with submitting a support ticket.

Why can't I edit the capitalization of my shoe model?

Models will retain the capitalization that was used by the first athlete who entered the model into Strava. There is no way to adjust the model names as they currently appear on Strava.

I don't see my shoe or bike model listed, can I add it?

Unfortunately at this time, there is no way to add your shoe or bike model if it is not already listed.

Can I manually add mileage to my gear?

You can only add mileage to your gear if the mileage on that gear is recorded on Strava. You can't manually set the gear mileage, but you have a few other options:

  • If your activities for your gear are on Strava, then you can go to the My Activities page and edit your previous activities to set the correct gear for those activities.
  • For activities not on Strava, adding that mileage to your bike or running shoes is not currently possible. The only way to accomplish this will be to create a manual activity assigned to that gear item to account for its pre-Strava mileage.
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