Sharing Your Strava Activities

Sharing From the Mobile App

You can share the details about your Strava activity on social apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Most social apps installed on your phone will support this sharing feature.

    1. Navigate to the activity you’d like to share. Please be aware that activities must meet the following criteria in order to be shared:
      1. Only activities recorded with GPS can be shared with a map or image with stats. This means that you won't be able to share stationary activities, indoor activities, or manually created activities.
      2. The activities' privacy controls must be set to "Followers" or "Everyone."
    2. Tap the share icon either directly in your feed or after tapping the activity to open it. Tap the option to Share To to open your list of apps.
      iOS share icon Android share icon
    3. If you’ve attached photos to your activity, you will be prompted to select what you’d like to share (a map or photo). If you don’t have any photos uploaded to your activity, you will be able to share the map image. We’ll add relevant stats to your shared image.
    4. Next, choose where you’d like to share this activity. You can share to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other apps that have sharing functionality. You can also share the image in a text message or email.



Sharing From the Website

You can share activities on Facebook and Twitter from the Strava website. To share an activity directly from the feed, click the down arrow icon and select the platform you'd like to share on. After you've opened an activity you can click on the Facebook or Twitter icon above your activity details. You may be prompted to enter your Facebook or Twitter credentials before continuing.


What units and language will my post use?

Posted activities will display your units of choice (within Strava) and your phone's language. 

Can I customize what statistics I share?

At this time, we only share your moving time, distance, and elevation for rides and distance, moving time, and pace for runs and swims. 

Will these activities get added to my Facebook Fitness section?

No, activities shared through the mobile app do not use Open Graph sharing and consequently won't be included in the Fitness section on your Facebook page.

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