Segment Leaderboard Filters

All Strava athletes can view the top ten athletes on a leaderboard. Strava subscribers can view the full leaderboard and use the following filters:

Segment leaderboards can be filtered by the current day, week, month, or year. Filters for the current week and month are only available on the Strava website.

    • On the web, select This Year from the menu on the right-hand side to filter by the current year. Open the drop-down menu under All-Time to filter between the current day, week, or month.
    • On the mobile app, select the segment from your activity and look for the This Year and Today options.

Segment leaderboards can be filtered by gender. Your activity will appear on the male, female, and/or all-time leaderboard depending on the activity type and what you choose in your profile settings.

    • On the web, open the All drop-down menu to select from the all-time, men's, and women's filtered leaderboards. You can further filter the leaderboard by the current day, week, month, or year.
    • On the mobile app, you can view the men's and women's filtered leaderboards for all-time or the current year.

Segment leaderboards can be filtered by your own weight and age group. Your results appear on the leaderboard that corresponds to the weight and birthdate entered in your profile settings at the time the activity with your PR was recorded. This means that it is possible to show up on multiple leaderboards if you improve on your time after moving into a different age or weight group.

Other filters allow you to view your results and compare your results to the people you're following or other members of the clubs you've joined.


Why do I see a women's leaderboard if my gender is set to male?

All athletes will see a women's leaderboard view in addition to the all-time view. If you do not see your activities listed under the women's leaderboard, your activities and segments are only associated with the all-time and men's specific leaderboard, which can be found under all-time. On our website, you can find the full set of options to filter by gender.

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