Oura and Strava

Connect the Oura app to Strava to share recorded media to any Strava activities that are already synced to your account. This will allow you to add additional information and media to your existing Strava activities, even those not recorded with Oura. See a more holistic view of all the efforts and activities you complete in your training.

Connecting Strava and Oura

    1. From the Oura app, tap the top-left hamburger menu to reveal the left navigation menu.
    2. Tap Settings.
    3. Tap Other apps within the “Data sharing” section.
    4. Tap the Strava option in the “Available apps” section.
    5. Review details of what benefits the Strava integration will provide and then tap Continue
    6. Grant permission for Strava to access the user’s specified Oura data. You must enter your Strava login credentials to grant this access. 
    7. Receive confirmation that the integration was successful and configure the integration to either import only export only or import and export. By default, import and export will both be toggled ON.

Syncing From Strava to Oura

Once your accounts are connected and you’ve enabled imports, Stava activities will be automatically displayed as activity cards within the Oura app. Strava activities will count towards your activity goal and Activity Score in the Oura App.

Syncing From Oura to Strava

Once your accounts are connected and you’ve enabled imports, activities captured using the Workout Heart Rate (WHR) recording feature will automatically sync to Strava. Please be aware that manual and auto-detected activities recorded by Oura cannot be synced to Strava at this time.

Sharing Media on Activities

Connect the Oura app to Strava to share media using Oura’s Stickers to illustrate your unique health story. This will allow you to add additional information via the data insights added to the images and media to your existing Strava activities. See a more holistic view of all the efforts and activities you complete in your training

Connecting to Strava : 

  1. Create or log in to your Oura account
  2. Click on the three-bar icon in the top left and go to ‘Settings
  3. In Settings go to the section labeled Data Sharing and select ‘Other Apps’
  4. You will then see the option to Connect with Strava and you can toggle on or off the ability to sync Oura activities to Strava or pull Strava activities into Oura.

Sharing Readiness Scores and other media from Oura to Strava:

  1. Once Oura is connected to Strava go to the main ‘Today’ screen view
  2. Click the share icon in the top right
  3. From here you can choose which metrics to display and the background image
  4. Select ‘Share to Strava
  5. A list of your most recent activities in Strava will populate and you can select which one to share your Oura data to.


Why is my activity missing an image?

    1. Be sure that you’ve enabled the Oura partner integration from this page on the Strava website or under Settings > Partner Integrations in the Strava app.
    2. If you do not have a Readiness Score for the day you may not receive your recap image.
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