SnapChat and Strava

You can share your Strava activities to Snapchat from the share tray. Additionally, Snapchat has a dedicated lens for Strava that enables you to overlay activity stats on images and videos. 

Strava Snapchat Lens

To set up the Strava Snapchat lens, follow this link. You can also use the explore option under lenses to search for the "Strava Activity Lens." Once the code is scanned, or the lens is selected using the lens search, select "Connect with Strava" You will be prompted to log into your account and authorize the connection with Strava and Snapchat. 

  • You can use the activity selector within Snapchat while the lens is in use to pick from your 30 most recent activities. If you want to use the lens on an older activity, you must share it with the Snapchat Lens from within the Strava app.
  • The overlay will include a summary of some of your activity stats like distance, elevation, moving time, sport type, and an outline of the map for your activity if it has GPS.

Any activities where the activity privacy controls are set to "Only You" will not appear in the activities list in Snapchat and cannot be used for an overlay. If you've hidden any portion of your map, the polyline shared using the lens will exclude the hidden portion(s). If your activity has the entire map hidden, it can still be shared using the lens but will have no map line. You will still be able to see other stats like distance, time, pace, and activity time.

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