Privacy Controls

The safety and privacy of our community is our highest priority. Strava users have differing privacy preferences, and we designed the product with this in mind. Given the different preferences of our users, we provide privacy controls, along with information to understand what those controls mean, to enable them to make informed choices. This article serves as a quick reference guide so that you can understand and control what you share and who it’s shared with.

Profile Page

Set your profile privacy control to “Everyone” in order for the entire Strava community to see your full profile details. Set your profile privacy controls to “Followers” in order to hide certain profile details from non-followers and require that people request to follow your account before they can be approved as a follower.  Learn more.


Your activity privacy control allows you to restrict access to your activity details page to “Everyone,” “Followers,” or ” Only You.” You have the option to set a default preference so that your activities automatically upload with this selection and/or you can change the visibility of individual activities. Learn more.

Group Activities

Set your group activity privacy control to “Everyone” to allow other athletes to see you were part of a group. Set your group activity privacy control to “Followers” if you prefer that only your followers or those you follow can see you were part of a group. Set your group activity privacy control to “Only You” if you prefer that activities are not grouped with other Strava athletes. This setting cannot be changed on individual activities. Learn more.

Training Log

By default, your training log is private. You can make your training log public if you’d like to share it with your friends, coach, and other athletes. Learn more.

Promoting Activities to Followers

Strava occasionally sends emails and push notifications to your followers to share your recent activities. If you would prefer to not be promoted to your followers in this way, you can opt-out on the Strava website by navigating to your Privacy Controls settings page and enabling the checkbox that says “Do not send these notifications" underSharing my activities with my followers.”


Flyby is a Strava Labs tool that lets you play back your activity, as well as those near you, on a map and timeline. You are opted out of this feature by default but you have the ability to opt in if you want your activities to be included in Flyby. For an activity to be included in Flyby, you must be opted in to Flyby and the activity’s visibility control must be set to “Everyone.” Learn more.

Aggregated Data Usage

Strava Metro, the Global Heatmap, Points of Interest, Start Points, and Community Generated Routes are examples of community-powered features that benefit from aggregate data sets. You can choose whether to contribute your activities to de-identified, aggregate data sets by navigating to the privacy controls on your Strava account, locating the Aggregated Data Usage section, and enabling the “Contribute your activity data to de-identified, aggregate data sets” option. All features which use aggregate data exclude activities visible to “Only You.” Points of Interest is the only data set which includes activities set to “Followers” while the others exclude activities set to “Followers.” Learn more.

Map Visibility

When you upload an activity to Strava which contains GPS data, we generate a map that will appear by default as part of your activity. You can use your Map Visibility settings to hide some or all of your activity map from other Strava athletes. This includes hiding an address, hiding the start/end of activities no matter where they happen, and hiding the map completely.  Learn more.

Blocking an Athlete

If you want to hide certain profile details and activities from another athlete, you can use our block tool. Learn more.

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