Uploading Garmin files with bad time data

If you experienced the error message "Corrupted time data" after uploading your Garmin file to Strava, we've found some problems with the time data in your file and it can't be uploaded to Strava as is

What is Garmin bad time data?

The issue is that at some point in the file, the time data (specifically the day/month/year, not the hours/minutes) jumps into the future. It can be just a day or two, or 20-30 years. This is something we're seeing occasionally, mostly from Garmin Edge 500's, 1000's, and Fenix's. 

How to Fix Garmin bad time data

  1. Open https://www.fitfiletools.com/#/ctf#view and scroll to the bottom where it says "Corrupt Time Fixer."
  2. Browse your computer to find the .fit file of the activity and hit "Go." If you cannot find or do not have access to the .fit file you can export files from Garmin Connect.
  3. Follow the prompt to download the fixed file to your computer. The fixed file will have "fitfiletools" in the name.
  4. Log in to Strava and upload the fixed file to your Strava account.
  5. If the above fixer does not work that means your files have a slightly different problem with the date in your file. Please use the steps above but in step 1, instead of using the Corrupt Time, Fixer uses the Time Adjuster to correct the date and time of the activity. Then download the file to your computer and upload it to your Strava account.
  6. If you're still experiencing problems upon uploading this file, proceed with submitting a support ticket. Please be sure to include the original .fit and .tcx version of the file as well as a link to the activity page (if the file was able to upload). To export a FIT/TCX file, please see this article on how to export files from Garmin Connect. Keep in mind we may not be able to fix the file, but we will certainly do what we can.

How to prevent Garmin from producing time errors

Check for any software updates for your Garmin and try a hard reset on the device.
You may also want to contact Garmin support and request that they address the underlying issue and prevent this from happening again.

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