Goals on the Strava Website

Strava subscribers can set weekly, monthly, annual, segment, and power goals on Strava.

  • Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Goals
  • Segment Goals
  • Power Goals

Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Goals

From the Strava website, you can set and view distance goals for running, riding, and swimming. Manually uploaded activities, as well as activities marked as stationary, will also count towards your goals. Virtual ride and run activities will count towards the ride and run goals.

You can manage your goals from the panel on the left-hand side of your feed. Click between the icons at the top of the panel to choose an activity type and select the pencil icon to edit the fields.

The Strava mobile app can set goals for all sports types.

Segment Goals

Segment goals can only be created from the Strava website. Set a goal on your favorite segment from either the segment explore page, an activity page where you matched to the segment or the segment details page.

  • From the segment explore page, click the segment's name to expand it and select Set Goal.


  • From the activity page, click on the segment's name to expand it then click Set Goal.


  • From the segment details page, click Set a goal for this segment under "Your Stats" on the right side of the page.


Enter your target time, choose a deadline, and select Create segment goal. When you achieve your goal, an entry will appear in your feed. 


Power Goals

Power goals can only be created from the Strava website. Set power goals for popular time intervals such as 5 seconds, 1 minute, and 10 minutes. Power Goals can only be accomplished by using a power meter. Estimated power does not apply.

  • From the Strava website, select Dashboard > My Goals to see your current goals and create new ones.
  • Select Set a Goal > Power Goal.
  • Enter your target watts, choose your time interval, and set a deadline. Click Create power goal to save. 

Goals Privacy

Performance (segment/power) goals are public. Non-followers can see these goals when viewing your profile page. Progress (weekly/monthly/annual) goals are private.

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