Activity Privacy Considerations

If your activities take place in areas, you consider sensitive (near home, workplaces, friends’ houses, other sensitive locations, etc.) or if you simply want an elevated level of privacy, use your privacy controls to limit your exposure. 

Map Visibility: ​​You have the ability to hide portions or all of your activity map from other Strava athletes. You also have the option to set a default preference so that your activities automatically upload with this preference, and/or you can change the visibility of individual activities. Read more here.

Activity Visibility: If you’d like to limit the visibility of your activities on Strava, you can do so by adjusting your activity visibility to “Followers” or “Only you”. This will disable your activities from showing on public leaderboards. You can set this to be your default preference, and you can adjust this on the “edit activity” screen of each individual activity. Your map visibility settings will also always apply to activities regardless of their activity visibility setting— no one can see the hidden portion other than you. Read more here.

Profile Visibility: Your profile page displays information about you and your active life. Adjust your profile visibility to “Followers” if you’d like your profile details to be visible only to your followers. Read more here.

For more information on all of our privacy controls, please visit our privacy center and take the time to ensure your selections in Strava represent your intended experience.

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