Strava Live Segments on Polar devices

Polar and Strava have partnered to bring Strava Live Segments to your Polar device


Linking your accounts 

Connect your Strava and Polar Flow accounts using the instructions found here.

Selecting segments

Starred segments will be used for your Live Segment experience. You can star segments by tapping on the star icon next to a segment's name. 

  • Click on the refresh icon next to Strava Live Segments on the Polar Flow web service's favorites page to import Strava Live Segments to Polar Flow. You can skip this step if you wish to quickly transfer one or two Strava Live Segments. Just sync your device after starring your segments on Strava.
  • You can sync a maximum of 20 Live Segments at a time. If you have over 20 favorites in the Flow web service, the first 20 will be transferred when you sync your device. You can drag and drop the segments to select which are in the top 20. 
  • The next time you sync your device, your 20 top favorites, including the Strava Live Segments you have imported from Strava will be transferred.
  • We do not sync downhill segments to devices for Strava Live Segments. Please keep in mind that our system recognizes even the slightest negative grade so there may be segments that display a 0% grade that is considered downhill and therefore will not sync to devices.

On your Polar device

  • You will be alerted when approaching the start of a segment that’s on your device, and when the segment starts. Please be aware that Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities.
  • You will be notified when you complete the segment, and whether you beat the time you were competing against. The times shown on the device during an activity are preliminary and the times shown on Strava after uploading are final.

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Why is my segment time different after I upload it then it was on my Polar?

Polar devices use a different algorithm for determining when a user starts and finishes a segment than Strava uses, which can affect the elapsed time reported for the segment. To ensure consistency between users, the times shown on the Polar device during an activity are preliminary, and the times shown on Strava after uploading are final.

Why didn’t one of my starred segments show up while I was riding it?

During a ride, if the GPS signal is poor, it can be hard to determine whether a user is on a particular segment or not. After the activity is uploaded, Strava can examine the entire activity and more accurately determine which segments were ridden - including the ones that didn’t show up in real-time.

Why do I see a message in Polar Flow that says I don't have a Strava subscription?

If you've recently subscribed to Strava, please wait 24 hours after your purchase and try again. If you're still having trouble, make sure that you have the most recent version of the Polar Flow app installed and try disconnecting and reconnecting your Polar and Strava accounts. 

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