Garmin and Strava have partnered to bring Strava segments to your Garmin device.
- Edge® 1030
- Garmin Connect account
- Strava subscription
- Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities
These new features will only be available for Strava subscribers using Garmin’s Edge 1030 for now, but they’ll also be coming to future devices. In the meantime, check our article for Strava Live Segments on your Garmin Devices
Starred Segments
Your starred segments will show up automatically after you've linked your Connect and Strava accounts. If you star another segment, it will load on your device the next time you sync. You can star segments almost anywhere you can view them - from an activity, in segment explorer, or the mobile app.
On Your Garmin Device
You will be alerted when approaching the start of a segment that’s on your device, and when the segment starts. Please be aware that Live Segments are only available for riding and running activities
During the segment, you can choose which effort to be compared against. Automatic selection will adjust to the closest effort time on the race page. The different efforts that are available are:
- Rivals (Athletes you're following that are above and below you are above and below you on the leaderboard)
- PR
- Last (your most recent effort on the segment)
- Recent best (the best of your five most recent efforts on the leaderboard)
You will be notified when you complete the segment, and whether you beat the time you were competing against - but has the final word. See Why is my segment time different after I upload it than it was on Garmin?
Segment notifications appear automatically but you can cancel the Live Segment experience as it is happening.
On your device, you can temporarily disable individual segments, and the entire Live Segments experience, or permanently delete some or all of the segments stored on your device. This will not affect your starred segments in your Strava account.
Segment Explore
- Use Segment Explore to find the most popular segments in your vicinity.
- Marquee segments are the best of Strava segments.
- Tap 'Download' to add a segment to your device and navigate to the start of it.
Why is my segment time different after I upload than it was on my Garmin?
Garmin devices use a different algorithm for determining when a user starts and finishes a segment than Strava uses, which can affect the elapsed time reported for the segment. To ensure consistency between users, the times shown on the Garmin during an activity are preliminary, and the times shown on Strava after uploading are final.
Why didn’t one of my starred segments show up while I was riding it?
During a ride, if the GPS signal is poor, it can be hard to determine whether a user is on a particular segment or not. After the activity is uploaded, Strava can examine the entire activity and more accurately determine which segments were ridden - including the ones that didn’t show up in real-time.
Can I use Live Segments on my Garmin while following a course?
Yes, but the segment must start and end on the course.
What if I cannot get my segments to load to my Garmin?
Your Garmin may still be set to use Garmin Segments, instead of Strava segments. To check this, open Garmin Connect and add segments to your dashboard. From here you can change the settings to use Strava Segments. After the change is made, sync your device with Garmin Express and your segment settings will be updated.
What if some of my segments are not synced to my Garmin?
A maximum of 100 segments will be synced to your Garmin device. We also do not sync downhill segments to devices for Strava Live Segments. Please keep in mind that our system recognizes even the slightest negative grade so there may be segments that display a 0% grade that is considered downhill and therefore will not sync to devices.
60-day trial with 1030 purchase
If you are not currently subscribed to Strava, and you purchase a Garmin 1030, you are eligible to receive a 60-day trial. First, you must register the device in Garmin Connect. Then you will see an orange Strava tile on the Dashboard that will link you to the trial page. If you do not see the Strava trial offer, click on the gray arrow on the lower right of the Strava tile. The banner should now appear in front of the title.
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