Excluded Segment Efforts

How it Works

In order to keep our segment leaderboards as fair as possible, we ask that all Strava athletes follow the segment leaderboard guidelines outlined here. We understand mistakes happen, however, when you upload a GPS-based run or ride, Strava will attempt to detect any segment efforts that are unlikely to be valid for the particular activity type. Similar to our community reporting activity flag tool, these efforts will be automatically removed from the segment leaderboard(s). Unlike our community reporting tool, your entire activity will not be excluded from segment leaderboards, only the efforts deemed unlikely.

Efforts may be excluded from your activity if you left your GPS running while you were in a vehicle, if your activity was uploaded under the wrong type, or if unrealistic data was recorded due to a GPS error. You have a few options to resolve the issue or remove the data if you wish:

  • Use the crop tool to remove any inaccurate or motor-assisted portions from the start or end of the activity.
  • Change the activity’s sport type if the activity was accidentally recorded or uploaded as the wrong type. This included e-bike rides that were categorized as rides.
  • If you recorded a car ride, bad GPS data, or motor-pacing in the middle of your activity you can split the activity at the beginning of the affected portion and then crop the bad data.

Viewing your Excluded Efforts

To see which segments you were excluded from during a particular activity:

  • On the mobile app, navigate to You > Activities and tap on the activity you’d like to view. Scroll down to your matched segments and tap View All Results. The number of excluded efforts will appear on the next page and you can tap Excluded Efforts for more details. 
  • On the website, open the activity you’d like to view from either your profile or feed. Scroll down to your matched segments and you’ll see the number of excluded efforts just under “Segments” if there are any.

To see which of your activities are excluded from a particular segment:

  • On the mobile app, open the segment details screen by tapping on the segment from your activity page. Tap My Results and you can select the number of excluded efforts on the next screen if there are any.
  • On the website, open the segment details screen by clicking on the segment from your activity page. The number of excluded efforts will be listed on the right-hand side under “Your Stats”. 


Can I contest an excluded effort?

No, once an effort is excluded there is no way to add it back to the segment leaderboard. You can use one of the options listed at the top of this page to remove the offending data from your activity or ensure the activity type is correct.

Can I still get a PR on an excluded effort?

No, these efforts will not be eligible for your PR on the segment.

Does my activity still count towards challenges?

Yes, activities with excluded efforts will still count towards your challenge progress.

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