Saved Routes on Web

You can access routes you’ve created (either from scratch or from other activities) and suggested routes you’ve saved from the My Routes page of the Strava website.

Searching for Routes

Use any combination of the filters below to find the route you're looking for.


Routes of all sport types will be displayed by default. To search for routes of a specific type, click the sport type icon(s). Icons highlighted in orange will be included in your search. Click the X to exclude them.


Click the magnifying glass icon to open a search bar and enter search keywords.


Apply filters to narrow down your search.

  • Use the sliders to define a range of distance or elevation.
  • Choose to only include starred routes, routes created by you, or routes created by others.

Managing Routes

To manage individual routes, hover over the three-dot icon next to the route star. Your options will vary depending on the route's characteristics.

    • Routes you've created can be deleted, edited, or duplicated.

    • Public routes can be embedded regardless of whether it's a route you've created or another athlete's route you've starred.


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