Syncing Strava Routes to Your COROS Device

Automatically sync the Strava routes you’ve created or starred to your COROS device. From the COROS app, locate the “Navigation Routes Library,” select the route you wish to sync, and tap Sync with your watch. If a route you recently created or starred does not appear in your library, wait about one minute then pull down from the top of the COROS app to refresh the page. 

The COROS app will not automatically update routes that are modified or "starred/unstarred" within the Strava app. If you make updates to a route in Strava you will need to first delete the route from the COROS app. From the Strava website, duplicate the newly edited route using the instructions outlined here. Then you can manually push the updated route back to the COROS app.

Please be aware that 10 routes can be stored on your device at a time. If you need to remove a route, you can do so from the COROS app:

    1. Select the “Watch” tab.
    2. Select “Route."
    3. Swipe left to delete a route from your watch.
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