Strava Live Segments on Rouvy

Rouvy athletes can connect their Strava account to Rouvy to compete on Strava Live Segments in the virtual world.

    • Requirements
    • Linking your accounts
    • On Rouvy
    • FAQs


    • Strava account
    • Rouvy account

Athletes without a subscription will be able to compete on Live Segments and see their segment efforts on Strava. Athletes with a subscription will additionally be able to see QOM/KOM and PR avatars riding on-screen as they compete on Live Segments.

Linking Your Accounts

Login to Rouvy account on and navigate to the Connected Apps page. Click the ‘Connect’ option next to Strava to connect Strava to Rouvy. More information on linking your accounts can be found here.

On Rouvy

While browsing routes on Rouvy, you will be able to see the Strava logo on routes that contain Strava Live Segments along with a count of how many Live Segments occur on that route. You will also be able to find a routes category titled ‘Strava Live Segments’ which contains only routes that feature Strava Live Segments.


When riding a route with a Live Segment, you will see a notification appear as you are approaching the start of a Live Segment. This notification informs you of the upcoming segment and provides them with some segment stats such as distance and elevation. Once the start of the Live Segment is crossed, you will see their segment time, distance left on the segment, and their time to the XOM/PR avatars displayed on the screen. You will also be able to see how much of the segment they’ve completed. After crossing the finish of the Live Segment, your segment effort will be displayed on the screen along with a XOM or PR notification, if applicable.


Strava Live Segments cannot be ridden in the following modes:

    • Just Ride mode
    • Group rides
    • Races


Why is my segment time different after I uploaded it than it was on Rouvy?

Rouvy uses a different algorithm for determining when an athlete starts and finishes a segment than Strava uses, which can affect the elapsed time reported for the segment. To ensure consistency between athletes, the times shown on Rouvy during an activity are preliminary, and the times shown on Strava after uploading are final.

Do Strava Live Segments also work for Rouvy Running?

No, at this time, this functionality isn’t available for Running mode.

Can I create my own segment to ride on Rouvy?

Strava Live Segments in the virtual world on Rouvy function in a different manner than the Live Segments you may be used to in the real world. When it comes to creating virtual segments, new public segments can only be created by our virtual partners such as Rouvy. Additionally, starred segments will not populate in the virtual world on Rouvy. Rather, a limited number of specifically curated segments will be available to ride on routes in Rouvy.

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