Segment leaderboards are often a highly visible area where bad or improper data can be surfaced on Strava. Users are ultimately responsible for their own data, and Strava provides the tools needed to edit your data. Information on how to resolve a flag on your own activity can be here.
Should this activity be flagged?
When not to flag:
- If the activity data seems fine, but the segment time or the max/average speed seems incorrect, please do not flag the activity. This is due to a limitation of our segment-matching process and, therefore, not a valid reason to flag. More information can be found here.
- Please familiarize yourself with this article to understand how certain shapes, lengths, or locations of segments can cause matching issues. Below are the segment characteristics that can cause matching issues.
- Also, if the elevation data for an activity is inaccurate, please do not flag it. As this does not cause problems on the segment leaderboards. If the elevation data is causing invalid results on a Strava elevation challenge, please proceed with submitting a support ticket so we can investigate.
When to Flag:
- Top leaderboard spots were earned because the data was recorded with vehicle assistance (motor-pacing or drafting a vehicle, receiving a lift in a vehicle, leaving the device on while driving, etc).
- Top leaderboard spots are earned because the GPS data is erratic or recorded at large intervals (10+ seconds).
- Top leaderboard spots are earned because the activity is categorized as the wrong sport type. For example, a bike ride is categorized as a run.
- A Strava athlete is recording duplicate activities.
How to Flag
Once you've determined that the activity should be flagged, you can follow the steps below to flag the activity and remove it from leaderboards. When you flag an activity, a notification is generated on the activity owner's dashboard. Please note activities can only be flagged from the Strava website.
- When you find an incorrect or improper segment time, click on the date of the segment result or segment time to reach the activity.
From the activity page, click the three-dot icon > Flag. Select the reason for the flag and add a comment. Please be as descriptive and specific as possible. Include any other affected segments, specify the location of a GPS data problem, and/or relay personal knowledge about the area or the athlete.
- If the activity appears to have data that was done by a motorized vehicle or partially done by a motorized vehicle, select the first option.
- If the activity appears to be listed as the wrong activity type, like a ride that is accidentally categorized as a run, select the second option.
- If there is bad GPS data that causes inaccurate mileage or segment times, select the third option. For specific segment errors, it is helpful if you include which segments are affected in the comments section.
- For other issues, select Other and leave a thorough description of the problem in the comment field.
When you're done, click Flag. A yellow bar will appear at the top of the activity page, signifying that the activity has been flagged. The activity will be automatically removed from all segment leaderboards. The activity remains on the site, and the segments remain on the activity page with achievements; however, all the public results are removed from the segment leaderboards.
Abusing the Activity Flag
If we determine that you are not following our flagging guidelines, your ability to flag may be revoked; your flags will be resolved, and/or your account may be at risk for deletion.
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