Strava’s Privacy Controls FAQ


Who can see the start time of my activity?

Non-followers will not see your activity start time. However, your start time will be displayed to followers unless you’ve hidden it on specific activities.


Can I hide my activity details from other athletes?

You can hide the following details from your activities when they appear in other athletes’ feeds or when others view your activity details by locating the “Hidden Details” section while editing an activity:

  • Heart rate
  • Pace or speed
  • Power
  • Calories
  • Start Time

Please note that hidden details from the activity page may still be visible to other athletes elsewhere in the product. Additionally, other athletes may be able to deduce details that have been explicitly hidden using information that remains visible.


Why aren’t my old activities updating when I change the default privacy setting?

Your default “Activities” privacy control, located here, will ensure that all future uploads reflect your selected preference, whether it’s “Everyone,” “Followers,” or “Only You.” This setting does not retroactively change the privacy control on past activities. As always, you can adjust the privacy control on any individual activity by following the directions in this article. You can bulk update the privacy settings on old activities using the instructions outlined here.


My activity is showing that it’s only visible to me, how can I change the setting so everyone can see it?

Please refer to the instructions in this article on how to adjust an individual activity’s privacy setting.


Can I set a different default privacy setting for a particular activity type? (e.g., running, cycling, etc.)

It is not currently possible to set different default privacy settings for individual activity types. You do, however, have the option to set a single default privacy setting so that your new activities automatically upload with this selection. Keep in mind you can always change this setting on individual activities if you'd like to set it to something other than your default. You can read more about activity privacy settings here.


Can I adjust my privacy settings so only certain followers can see my activities?

At this time your activity privacy controls allow you to restrict access to your activity details page to “Everyone,” “Followers,” or just “You.” It is not possible to give certain followers access to your activities while restricting access for other followers. If you’d like to block an athlete, please see this article.


How can I control who I am grouped to and who can see the grouping?

Strava athletes will automatically be grouped to your activity if you were near each other for 50% of the activity—both non-followers and followers may be grouped to your activity. You can read about how activity groupings work here.

If you prefer that only followers or those that you follow can see you were part of a group, adjust your Group Activities privacy control to "Followers." If you prefer that your activities are not grouped with other athletes at all, adjust your Group Activity privacy control to “No One.” You can read more about those privacy controls here. If you would like to leave a grouped activity, you can do so by following the instructions in this article


How do I make my activity description private?

At this time, it is not possible to make your activity description private while your activity details remain public. Instead, you can use “private notes” to document details about an activity that you want to only be visible to you. Prior to saving an activity or while editing an activity, look for the “private notes” section under “Details.”


Why are my activities saving with a privacy level of “Only You” even though my default is “Followers” or “Everyone”?

There is a limited circumstance that can result in Strava saving your activities with the most private setting (Only You) when our server is unable to read your default privacy setting. When that happens, we default to private to protect our members. Our team is working to improve this experience. In the meantime, you can adjust the individual activity’s privacy controls by following the instructions here.


Why can’t I see myself or my friends on the “I’m following” leaderboard?

With the exception of the "My Results" filter, our leaderboard filters are applied to the “All Time” leaderboard, which only displays segment times from activities set to "Everyone.” You will not be able to see your times on filtered leaderboards (today, this month, followers, age, etc) if your activities are set to "Followers" or "Only You.”  


Why isn’t my address locating me properly when I edit map visibility?

If you are unable to successfully locate and save your address in your account’s Map Visibility settings, we recommend trying the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Strava uses a different service to look up your address depending on the platform you are using. If you have previously tried to save an address using the Strava mobile app, we recommend trying again using the Strava website. Alternatively, if you previously used the Strava website, please try saving the address again using the Strava app.
  2. Obtain the GPS coordinates for the address and try entering the coordinates in place of an address. We encourage trying this action using both the Strava website and the Strava mobile app.
  3. If your location is unable to be located using an address or GPS coordinates, it will be necessary to use one of the other Map Visibility settings available:
    1. Hide the start and endpoints of activities no matter where they happen
    2. Hide your activity maps from others completely
    3. In addition to the default Map Visibility settings on your Strava account, you can adjust the Map Visibility settings on individual activities after they have been uploaded to your account. To learn more, please see this article.

How do I know what privacy settings to use so that my activities are accessible by a 3rd party application, website, or program?

When you authorize your account with a 3rd party application, you can choose what Strava data the application will be able to access, and what data they can send to, or modify, in your Strava account. The requested permissions are chosen by the 3rd party application and will be displayed in the authentication prompt as seen below.

You can deselect some of the permissions, but they may be required for the 3rd party app’s full functionality. As always, we encourage athletes to confirm they are comfortable sharing their data with a 3rd party. Activities

Data Permissions

View data about your activities

Enabling the checkbox next to “View data about your activities” allows the application to view your activities that use the “Everyone” or “Followers” activity privacy controls, excluding any portions of activities hidden by Map Visibility settings

View data about your private activities

Enabling the checkbox next to “View data about your private activities” allows the application to view the same activities as the permission above, plus any hidden portions* of your activities and activities that use the “Only You” privacy control.

*It should be noted that any Map Visibility settings applied to your Strava activities will not be transmitted to 3rd party services you choose to share your activity data with. This means that portions of your activity that are hidden on Strava will be visible to others on 3rd party services you have authorized to connect to your account. We recommend using the privacy controls provided by the 3rd party service to ensure you achieve an appropriate level of privacy.

For more information, please visit our App Authorization Settings help article.

Can I hide the map?

Yes, the map can be hidden using the activity’s Map Visibility settings. Navigate to the activity in question on the Strava website or the Strava mobile app, tap on the ellipsis button (...), and select Edit Map Visibility. Enabling the “Hide Entire Map” toggle will cause the entire map to be hidden. With this setting enabled, you will continue to see the map when you view your activity, however, other athletes will not see a map displayed on the activity.

If you would like the maps on your activities to be hidden by default each time you upload a new activity, navigate to your Privacy Controls settings page on the Strava website or open the Settings screen in the Strava mobile app and navigate to Privacy Controls > Map Visibility

If you would like to hide the map on an activity completely so that not even you can view the map, you can tag the activity as an indoor activity on the Strava website. Navigate to the activity in question and click the pencil button located on the left side of the page to open the Edit Activity screen. Find the indoor tag option under “Tags” and select the option to enable it. Upon saving the change, the map will be hidden on the activity.


Non-Strava members cannot see my activity details when I share the link

If your profile's privacy setting is set to "Followers" or the activity uses the "Followers" privacy setting, logged-out users will not be able to view the activity. To share your activities with users who are not on Strava, you can use the share function from the mobile app to generate an image of your route with a stat overlay. Alternatively, you can adjust your profile's privacy setting to "Everyone"; however, this will affect other aspects of your experience. To read more on your profile's privacy settings, please see this article


Why is the Flybys feature not appearing on my activity?

Strava’s Flyby feature is available on your activities when both of the following conditions are true:

  • Your activity's privacy control is set to “Everyone.” Please note that the individual activity's privacy control is different from the default activity privacy control found in your account settings. More information can be found here: Activity Privacy Controls
  • Your account's Flyby privacy control is set to “Everyone.” This setting is found on your Privacy Controls settings page on the Strava website or via Settings → Privacy Controls in the Strava mobile app.

If either of the two settings described above is not set to “Everyone,” you will not see the Flyby feature displayed on your activity.

Additionally, an activity whose map has been entirely hidden by its Map Visibility settings will not be eligible for Flyby. Learn more about editing your activity's or account's Map Visibility settings here: Edit Map Visibility.


How do I adjust my profile so athletes have to request to follow me/so I approve followers?

In order to approve followers, adjust your profile’s privacy setting from “Everyone” to “Followers.” You can deny requests if you do not want other athletes to follow your profile, but to completely disable receiving friend requests you will need to delete your account. Learn more here.


How do I adjust my settings so that no one can see my profile?

There isn't a way to have an entirely hidden profile page. Even if your profile's privacy controls are set to "Followers," there will always be a public version with limited details available to others. If you'd like to limit the details non-followers see, please adjust your Profile Page privacy control to "Followers." To prevent your account from appearing in Strava athlete searches, you will need to delete your account. Learn more here.  


Is the weight I enter on my settings page public?

Your weight is not explicitly listed anywhere on Strava. Do keep in mind that we have segment filters that display results by weight range so depending on your activities’ privacy settings, this may be somewhere your name will appear within a class of weights. Additionally, other athletes may be able to deduce weight using information visible elsewhere in the product.


How do I remove my profile or photos from Google search results?

Adjusting your Profile Page setting to "Followers" will prevent Google from seeing your Strava profile and indexing photos attached to your activities the next time Google crawls Strava. To enable this setting, you can go to your Privacy Controls settings page on the website or Settings > Privacy Controls on the Strava mobile app. We cannot control how Google has indexed your athlete page prior to adjusting this setting, but you can request the removal of content by following their outlined process here.


How do I hide the pictures attached to my activities?

If your profile's privacy control is set to "Followers," your photos will be hidden from non-followers on activity pages and your profile. Keep in mind that in this case, your followers will still be able to see photos on your profile as well as on activities with their privacy controls set to "Everyone" or "Followers." If you upload photos to activities with their privacy controls set to "Only you," those photos will be hidden from all users on your profile and activities. 


Can other athletes see the location of my pictures on my activity map?

Geotagged photos will only be displayed on an activity map if they are not located on or nearby a hidden portion of the activity. Geotagged photos that are located near a hidden portion of the activity will not be displayed on the activity map for the activity owner or any other athletes on Strava.


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