Deceased Athlete Profiles on Strava

We are always very sorry to hear about the loss of a member of our athlete community. We have a process in place for an athlete’s family members and authorized representatives to get in touch with Strava to take down their online profile. We encourage friends of deceased athletes to let family members know about their loved one’s Strava profile in case they would like to contact us directly. We can only accept requests from family members, legally authorized representatives, or estate executors.

How do I Make a Request to Remove a Deceased Athlete’s Profile?

Strava cares very much about the privacy of our athletes, and as a result, we need some documentation from you to be able to process this request. We will need:

    • Link to their profile or the email they have on file in order to locate the account.
    • Your relationship with them.
    • Official documentation establishing you're the next of kin or legal representative (for example, marriage certificate if they’re your spouse or birth certificate if they’re your parent, etc)
    • A copy of your photo ID.
    • A copy of the death certificate or obituary.

Once you have gathered the requested information, you can submit it with a support request here. After we review the submitted documentation, we permanently delete these documents from our systems.

Can Strava memorialize athlete accounts? 

At this time, we do not have the option to memorialize a deceased athlete’s profile.

I am a friend of a deceased athlete, can I get in touch about my friend’s profile?

We understand this may be frustrating, but we generally can only accept requests from legally authorized individuals regarding a deceased athlete’s Strava profile. 

Why do you need documentation to close an account?

To make sure we respect the wishes of the deceased athlete and those closest to them, we can not close the account without the consent of the individual who has the legal authority to act on the athlete's behalf.  Once we review the submitted documentation, we permanently delete it from our systems.

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